Using addons
Add-ons are neat packages you can install and use with Storybook to gain additional functionality.
Let's add a documentation add-on which will allow us to create beautiful design system documentation.
Run the following command to install a few add-ons.
npm i -D @storybook/preset-create-react-app actions @storybook/addon-docs
We then need to tell Storybook that we'll be using this add-on and we can do that in main.js
We'll be creating our documentation and stories using MDX. MDX is a format which lets you write JSX in your markdown files, and we can use it to create stories and documentation.
We can use MDX to document our components and create a style guide for our design system. To do that, we'll need a few additional things, known as add-ons.
Add the following to the addons
array in main.js
module.exports = {
stories: ["../src/**/*.stories.(js|mdx)"],
addons: ["@storybook/preset-create-react-app", "@storybook/addon-docs"]
Now we can document and create stories for our button components.
import { Meta, Story, Preview } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks";
import { PrimaryButton, SecondaryButton, TertiaryButton } from "./Buttons";
<Meta title="Design System|Buttons" component={PrimaryButton} />
# Buttons
Buttons are used to trigger actions within an application.
## Usage
Buttons are used to trigger internal actions within your web applications.
## Primary Buttons
Primary buttons are used as a call to action and indicate the most important action on a page.
<Preview withToolbar>
<Story name="primary">
<PrimaryButton>Hello world</PrimaryButton>
## Secondary Buttons
Primary buttons are used as a call to action and indicate the most important action on a page.
<Story name="secondary">
<SecondaryButton>Hello world</SecondaryButton>
## Tertiary Buttons
Primary buttons are used as a call to action and indicate the most important action on a page.
<Story name="tertiary">
<TertiaryButton>Hello world</TertiaryButton>