Introduction to Design Systems

Making extensible themes

Currently we're referencing the defaultTheme directly inside of our components, but what if we want a dynamic theme which can be changed?

Let's create a second theme object inside themes.js. This will hold our dark theme.

export const darkTheme = {
  primaryColor: neutral[100],
  primaryHoverColor: neutral[200],
  primaryActiveColor: neutral[300],
  textColorOnPrimary: blue[300],
  textColor: blue[300],
  textColorInverted: neutral[100],
  primaryFont: primaryFont,
  disabled: neutral[400],
  textOnDisabled: neutral[300],
  status: {
    warningColor: yellow[100],
    warningColorHover: yellow[200],
    warningColorActive: yellow[300],
    errorColor: red[100],
    errorColorHover: red[200],
    errorColorActive: red[300],
    successColor: green[100],
    successColorHover: green[200],
    successColorActive: green[300]

We now need a way to toggle the dark theme. We'll use React's useState to do this.

Inside of index.js let's import useState and create a boolean variable useDarkTheme which will tell us which theme we should use.

import React, { useState } from "react";
import { GlobalStyle, darkTheme, defaultTheme } from "./utils";

const App = () => {
  const [useDarkTheme, setUseDarkTheme] = useState(false);


  return (

We also need to use the ThemeProvider component which will wrap our entire application and pass the theme as a property.

Inside index.js import ThemeProvider, then wrap the entire JSX return statement in <ThemeProvider>

import { ThemeProvider } from "styled-components";
const App = () => {
  const [useDarkTheme, setUseDarkTheme] = useState(false);
  return (

We'll need to pass the theme we want to use as a prop to ThemeProvider so let's do that with a ternary operator.

<ThemeProvider theme={useDarkTheme ? darkTheme : defaultTheme}>

Let's add two buttons to toggle the dark theme state.

You can also use one if you prefer simply toggling the state instead of being explicit with two buttons.

return (
	  <ThemeProvider theme={useDarkTheme ? darkTheme : defaultTheme}>
          margin: "0 16px 24px",
          padding: "8px",
          background: "none",
          cursor: "pointer",
          border: "2px solid #000",
          marginTop: "60px"
        onClick={() => setUseDarkTheme(true)}
        Dark theme
          margin: "0 16px 24px",
          padding: "8px",
          background: "none",
          cursor: "pointer",
          border: "2px solid #000",
          marginTop: "60px"
        onClick={() => setUseDarkTheme(false)}
        Default theme

Don't forget to import these two themes from utils.

import { darkTheme, defaultTheme } from "./utils";

Let's wrap our primary, secondary, and tertiary buttons in a containing div so we can change the background color depending upon the theme. (If it's dark theme, we need a dark background.)

We'll also add some inline styling to this div.

const App = () => {
  const [useDarkTheme, setUseDarkTheme] = useState(false);
  return (
    <ThemeProvider theme={useDarkTheme ? darkTheme : defaultTheme}>
        style={{ margin: "0 16px 24px", padding: "8px", background: "none" }}
        onClick={() => setUseDarkTheme(true)}
        Dark theme
        style={{ margin: "0 16px 24px", padding: "8px", background: "none" }}
        onClick={() => setUseDarkTheme(false)}
        Default theme
          background: useDarkTheme
            ? defaultTheme.primaryColor
            : darkTheme.primaryColor,
          width: "100vw",
          height: "90vh",
          display: "flex",
          alignItems: "center",
          justifyContent: "space-around"
        <PrimaryButton modifiers={["small"]}>Hello World</PrimaryButton>
        <SecondaryButton modifiers={["large"]}>Goodbye World</SecondaryButton>
        <GlobalStyle />