import { Meta, Story, Preview } from "@storybook/addon-docs/blocks";
import { withKnobs, boolean } from "@storybook/addon-knobs";
import { SignUpModal, SignInModal } from "./Modals";
<Meta title="Design System|Modals" component={SignUpModal} />
# Modals
Modals are dialogs which overlay content to convey.
## Usage
Use modals to call the user to action or complete a task.
## Sign In Modal
The SignInModal is used to prompt the user to sign in to their account.
<Preview withToolbar>
<Story name="signIn">
<SignInModal showModal={boolean("Show Modal", true)} />
## Sign Up Modal
The SignUpModal is used to prompt the user to create an account.
<Preview withToolbar>
<Story name="signUp">
<SignUpModal showModal={boolean("Show Modal", true)} />