Introduction to Design Systems

CSS specificity

There are three buckets of CSS specificity:

  1. Type selectors and pseudo-elements
  2. Class selectors, attribute selectors, and pseudo-classes
  3. ID selectors
/* Type selectors and pseudo-elements */
h1 {

h1::before {

/* Class selectors, attribute selectors, and pseudo-classes */
.cat {

input[type="radio"] {

h1:hover {

/* ID selectors */
#cat {

Universal selectors, such as *, combinators, such as > and +, and negation of pseudo-classes, such as :not() have no effect on CSS specificity (however the styles inside of the not() pseudo-class do).

Inline styling, styles added directly to the HTML element, will always override any styles declared in an external stylesheet and this is generally bad practice.

Lastly, !important statements override all styling.