Introduction to Design Systems

Animating our modal exercise solution

First I extracted out the useSpring config to a function which will return our modal animation object.

const getAnimation = showModal => {
  return {
    opacity: showModal ? 1 : 0,
    transform: showModal ? `translateY(0)` : `translateY(-200%)`

Next I refactored the SignUp modal to use this helper function.

export const SignUpModal = ({ showModal, setShowModal }) => {
  return (
    <animated.div style={useSpring(getAnimation(showModal))}>

Now I just followed the same process for my second SignIn modal.

export const SignInModal = ({ showModal, setShowModal }) => (
  <animated.div style={useSpring(getAnimation(showModal))}>
        <ModalHeader>Sign In</ModalHeader>
        <EmailInput label="Email" placeholder="" />
        <PasswordInput label="Password" />
        <SecondaryButton style={{ margin: "16px 16px 0 0" }}>
          Sign Up
        <PrimaryButton>Sign In</PrimaryButton>
      <SignIn />
      <CloseModalButton onClick={() => setShowModal(false)}>
        <CloseIcon />

If you're lost or missed some code, you can check out the branch step-2-animating-components on the GitHub repo!